Monday, January 15, 2007

Party food - yummy!

Our Saturday night party wasn't half bad. Nowhere near wild (we played giant jenga and chess!) but hey, we are getting old ;o)

For food I made spicy chicken thighs (cheated by using Tandoori paste from the jar), finger lickin' marinated chicken wings and tomato salsa to go with toasted ciabatta / baguette. Nothing was left! For pudding we had my lovely Chocolate Chestnut Truffle Cake! Yummy!

Finger Lickin' Chicken Wings (by Ainsley Hariott):

1tbsp oil
flour to dust 8 chicken wings
2 crushed gloves of garlic
1 small diced onion
4tbsp ketchup
4tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2tbsp clear honey
2tsp Tabasco sauce
2tsp English Mustard

Fry the onion and garlic in the oil until soft. Add everything else and simmer for a couple of minutes. Brush over the chicken wings and bake in the oven (gas mark 4) for 30 mins.

Tomato Salsa

lots of ripe tomatoes (I prefer vine toms)
lots of chopped garlic
1 small diced onion
olive oil to drizzle

Cut the tomatoes in quarters or slices. Add the tomatoes and garlic and drizzle with olive oil., leave for several hours to infuse.
Spoon on toasted baguette / ciabatta and add feta cheese or mozarella if required.

Chocolate Chestnut Truffle Cake (from Gordon Ramsay's Sunday Lunch)

250g dark chocolate
250g unsalted butter
125g caster sugar
4 eggs, seperated
250g cooked and peeled chestnuts or unsweetened chestnut puree
125ml milk
125ml single cream

Preheat the oven to gasmark 4. Grease a large round spring form tin.
Melt the chocolate and butter and leave to cool. Meanwhile beat the egg whites until stiff and set aside.
Bring the milk, cream and chestnuts to boil in a pan. Turn off and mix until it resembles a smooth mixture. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together. Add all to the chocolate.
Carefully fold the egg white in.
Pour into the cake tin and bake in the oven for 30-35mins or unti the top feels springy.

Eat warm or chill in the fridge first!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, party food must be yummy as a party is not successful without tasty food. I am also going to arrange an office party for my employees at domestic seattle convention center but having hard time in deciding on party food. Could you suggest some local caterer for consultation?